Saturday, June 25, 2011

What is the movie about the boy looking for his parrot?

The boy in it had brown hair and the scenes I remembered are him being
in a bank and there were some bad guys he was trying to get away from.
Also there were pirates in the movie and the boy found their hideout
which had lots of fire around it (maybe tiki torches?) and near the
end the boy and the people who were helping him came out of cave onto
a beach and it was sunny and everyone was happy and he found his
parrot. I know it sounds pretty silly, but I remember I loved it when
I was younger. If this helps there was also a scene in the bank or
maybe a hotel and the pipes burst and water went everywhere and the
bad guys were chasing the boy. Also, in my mind the boy reminds me of
Shia Labeouf in his Even Stevens phase. Any contributions will be
greatly appreciated! Thank you :)

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