Friday, September 16, 2011

VIDEO: Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Michael Moore Spar Over the Death of Osama bin Laden

Michael Moore, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Only four days into their new season and the ladies of The View are already back to doing what they do best: arguing. On Thursday's episode, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore visited the ladies and got an earful from co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck about the death of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden earlier this year. Moore argued that bin Laden deserved a trial before he was killed by special forces. "The way we show the world that we're different is that we give even the most heinous person their day in court," Moore said, citing that the Nazis that were put on trial following World War II, among others. Check out our list of TV's cheapest stunts "You're telling me that Osama bin Laden ... deserves a trial? But where? In NY City? The site of the slaughter of our own 3,000?" Hasselbeck countered. "Absolutely not. How dare ... why? Because Casey's Anthony trial went so well we should put Osama bin Laden on the stand?" Moore again argued that bin Laden should have been given a trial under the rights afforded to all Americans to stand trial. But Hasselbeck could not be swayed. "Osama bin Laden never deserved those rights, ever." Watch the full video here: Whose side are you on?

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